Tuesday, August 07, 2007

So this is why they do it...

Last Friday was a very good day for me. I found my first really serious bug at work. Until then I have found some decent security bugs but nothing like I found that day. I now understand why people do security testing it is for the 20 minutes after 2 weeks of work when you realize that you just found a bug that will 0wn thousands if not millions people, it is pretty cool.

I know this doesn't happen only for security testing. I have had similar feelings when doing development and I am sure most other fields have a similar type of thing. Although, I am not sure what it would be for accounting :P.

This same feeling is also the background to gambling, email and any other "addicting" type of things it is for the short rush. But still it is nice to find it again in technology if only for a short little bit.

Now I just need to wait another 6 months to find another serious bug to get another hit again :(.


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