Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Bluetooth fun

As the two people who read this blog know I have a rather large addiction to caffeine. So, as I write this I just finished my first cup of chai in one of the local coffee shops in the Seattle area. The great thing about these places is they all have free wireless which means a lot of computers gather in a fairly small area. A lot of these computers are macs which usually means they have bluetooth enabled by default :). I did a very quick scan of the area with just my phone, meaning it won't get all the computers in the building, but in my limited area I hit three computers and one phone. What does that mean? It means more than likely wth a little social engineering or luck I could start f'ing with their computers. But since I have work to do I can't today but it is now on my things to seriously do in the next month.

This is just a friendly reminder turn off your bluetooth or at least don't broadcast in public places. There are a lot of smarter people working on hacking bluetooth and they can get your signal from a very long ways off (say 1.5 miles!!!!).


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