Friday, April 06, 2007

Top 10 Signs you are a Computer Geek

1) You get two or more caffeine headaches in a day (one in the morning, one in the afternoon)
2) You would prefer to read technical books instead of an alternative
3) You know all of the free wifi hot spots within a 5 mile radius of your house
4) You often make jokes in crowds that get blank responses because people don't know what the fuck you are talking about
5) At your local bookstore the employees ask you to find books in the technical section
6) You can look at program's user interfaces and tell the language or framework it is built in
7) You often look at programs and mentally figure out how they built something
8) You try and port computer ideas into normal day tasks, for instance multi-threaded conversations.
9) You are multi-lingual but none of them are spoken languages
10) You can speak a whole sentence in acronyms


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