Monday, October 01, 2007

Devs vs. PMs let the rumble begin!

Many people are familiar with the role of Project Manager (PM) and few - well everyone who reads this blog - know what a software developer (dev) is. These two roles clash often. I was talking with my Uncle in New York earlier today about PMs and Devs and it got me thinking. There are a few reasons the PM role came around:

1) To manage multiple workers and their tasks on a large project
2) To handle client interaction so the grumpy developer didn't pull out his nerf gun and shoot the client
3) To write specs and be the filter between the dev and client, allowing for the the devs to focus on their work and not dealing with the people who actually pay.

I am sure there are other reasons but three is a nice number. Now I understand the first option and it makes sense from a business perspective. The other two options, however, should be judged on a case by case basis, imho. Some developers actually do enjoy talking to clients/customers/end-users and don't like the filter of going through another person. While other developers should be kept locked in their room. When dealing with piece work that is charged at a flat rate it is good for someone to get in there and create the specification and own that document. Does that mean a dev should never talk to the client? Nope, it means the effort of communication just got more tedious. However, the downfall to all of this is most people suck arse at communicating and making sure everyone is in the loop. So, inside of this rambling post there is a point.

The point is this: the stereo-type of PMs needing to make sure the devs behave is not always needed. However, most people are too lazy and/or busy to evaluate the individual and what the Dev PM relation should be.

Where do I fit into this spectrum of people? Well I can and do, fulfill a PM role when working with clients. Am I perfect? Heck no I can be a moody SOB a lot of days, have I gotten better as I am getting older, yep. Do I have another 10,000 miles to go in this journey, you betcha!

Back to work....


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