Outlook Web Access stuck in 2002???
So, I dig Outlook Web Access (OWA) when I use it in IE. It is slick and I could probably just use that without ever touching Outlook. Lots of AJAX (shit the XMLHttpRequest object was MADE for OWA) and a slick interface. But when you use other browsers you are handed the shit version (oh yea they call it the light version). Which works you can read the information but the interface is not as useful. This could have been gotten away with in 2002 but not now when the XMLHttpRequest is implemented by all major browsers and all browsers have less bugs than IE. Sigh... I don't get it. It can't be that hard to implement it into other browsers. Maybe I should take a weekend and do it and give it to MS so, all browsers will be useful instead of being locked into IE if you want a decent webmail client.